non communist parties were banned, cominform, comecon were set up, they cut off aid to countries like yugoslavia and invade hungary
2 of 13
what was the iron curtain
it was a invisible curtain separating communist and capitalist as russia controlled the east
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what did the USA do to try and stop the spread of communism
the marshall plan and the truman doctrine
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what did they agree to do in berlin
they split it just like germany into four zones. and USA and britain combined theirs to make bizonia
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what did Stalin order in berlin
because the soviets controlled berlin, Stalin ordered that communication between east berlin and the world be cut off.
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who took over from stalin
Khruschev took over
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what was the hungarian uprising
Hungarys people protested against their leader Rakosi who was communist. Nagy was then brought into power. NAgy then declared that hungary would leave the Warsaw pact
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What did the soviets do to hungary
They sent in tanks and imprisoned lots of non communist leaders
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when was the berlin wall built and taken down
built in 1961 and taken down in 1989
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What was a U2 plane
It was an american spy plane used in the cuban missile crisis and to spy on the USSR
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what was the pprague spring
Dubcek was was leader of czechoslovakia wanted better standard of living and free elections. However he said that they would remain in the warsaw pact.
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What did the russians do to czechoslovakia
500000 troops invaded czechoslovakia and they removed dubcek from office
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
how was the USSR influential in europe
non communist parties were banned, cominform, comecon were set up, they cut off aid to countries like yugoslavia and invade hungary
Card 3
what was the iron curtain
Card 4
what did the USA do to try and stop the spread of communism
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