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- Created by: toriibrunton
- Created on: 14-05-17 11:00
why do we need to know properties of materials
it describes how they behave
1 of 40
what is melting point
the point at which a solid turns to liquid
2 of 40
define tensile strength
how much a material can be stretched before breaking
3 of 40
define compressive strength
how much a material can be compressed before breaking
4 of 40
what is density
mass per unit of volume
5 of 40
what is an incorrect result often referred to as
an outlier
6 of 40
what do errors in measurements cause
variation in data
7 of 40
give the properties of a metal
hard, shiny, malleable, good electrical conductors
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give the properties of ceramics
hard, strong
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give three natural materials that are taken from the earth
curde oil, coal, limestone
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what is a synthetic material
materials that are manufactured by chemical reactions using raw materials
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why have synthetic materials replaced some natural materials
natural materials are on a short supply, they can be specifically designed, cheaper and bigger quantities
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what is crude oil
a mixture of thousands of hydrocarbons
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what is a hydrocarbon
a compound made from hydrogen and carbon only
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how much of crude oil is used as fuel
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what is approx 3% of crude oil used for
synethise other chemicals
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how is crude oil separated
fractional distillation
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explain fractional distillation
the oil is heated so it turns into a gas, the tower is cooler at the top, gas molecules condense and liquids with similar boiling points collect together
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what happens when hydrocarbon chain length increases
force between the molecules increase
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why do some molecules have higher boiling points
they are larger,so need more energy to break them apart
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what is a polymer
a large molecule made from smaller molecules called monomers
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how is a polymer made
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How can polymer chains be altered
replacing hydrogen atoms with other atoms
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what does it mean if a polymer is high crystalline
high melting points, brittle
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what are plasticisers
small molecules, inserted into polymer chains to keep them apart, making them more flexible
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how can crystallinity be increased
removing branches and making the chains flatter
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how do nanoparticles occur
naturally (salt in Seaspray), accidentally (solid particles when fuels burn)
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what are nanoparticles
materials containing up to a thousand atoms
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what is nanotechnology
the use and control of very small structures
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why are some nanoparticles catalysts
they have a large surface area so more reactions can take place
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nanoparticles show different properties to larger particles of the same material, why
they have larger surface areas
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why is titanium oxide nanoparticles put into sunscreen
it absorbs UV light
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why are silver nanoparticles put into food containers, wound dressings and fibres
they kill bacteria
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what is a composite
materials like ceramics and metals mixed with nanoparticles
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what are the properties of composites
stronger, hardwearing
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what are graphite sheets
one-atom thick sheets, called graphene sheets
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what happens if silver nanoparticles get into sewage
it can kill the bacteria that is in there to clean the water
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what is one fear of nanoparticles in the air
if breathed in, they could cause lung or brain damage
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what do people want proof of hat nanotechnology will not do
cause health nd environmental risks
39 of 40
why do people think nanoparticles cause no hard
they occur naturally (soot and volcanic dust)
40 of 40
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is melting point
the point at which a solid turns to liquid
Card 3
define tensile strength
Card 4
define compressive strength
Card 5
what is density
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