TB8 D&L Overview; Cognitive Development
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 16-01-16 17:32
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- TB8 Development & Language Overview; Cognitive Development
- Lecture 1; Development of Conceptual Knowledge
- Developing a concept of WHAT is in the world
- What is a concept?
- Nativist perspectives
- Critique!
- Core object knowledge
- Objects
- Actions
- Number
- Geometry
- Evidence to support claims
- Empiricist perpectives
- Critique!
- Nativist perspectives
- How do concepts develop?
- Empiricist perpectives
- Nativist perspectives
- Core object knowledge
- Objects
- Actions
- Number
- Geometry
- Evidence to support claims
- Core object knowledge
- Empiricist perpectives
- How are concepts categorised
- Perceptual cues used to form categories
- A distinction?
- Exemplar studies
- A distinction?
- Category 'levels' (e.g superordinate, subordinate, basic)
- Category-membership
- Prototypicality
- Semantic categories
- A distinction?
- Exemplar studies
- A distinction?
- The effect of language on categories
- Language structure informing category structure
- Perceptual cues used to form categories
- What is a concept?
- Developing a concept of WHO is in the world
- Developing a concept of WHAT is in the world
- Lecture 2; Development of Attention, Memory and Reasoning
- The Information processing Framework (IP)
- Input
- Mental processes
- Output
- What cognitive processes are involved with new input?
- Mental processes
- Soft-core accounts
- Hard-core accounts
- 'Limited' and 'flexible' are the key salient features of IP. Also;
- Humans as IP systems
- Development = self-modification
- Methodology
- Timing
- Evaluation of errors
- Microgenetic method
- Strengths & Weaknesses of the IP approach
- Input
- Developments in the Major IP cognitive domains;
- Attention
- Control of attention
- Selective attention
- Emotion
- Memory
- Memory in preverbal infants
- Operant Conditioning
- Habituation
- Visual Compared Comparison task (novelty)
- Characteristics of infant memory
- Long term memory
- Encoding
- Familiar-isation and stimulus complexity
- Storage
- Retrieval
- Encoding
- Infant Short Term Memory
- Procedural v.s declarative memory
- Episodic v.s semantic memory
- Improvement over time
- Cognitive processes
- Biological processes
- Memory in preverbal infants
- Reasoning
- Scientific Reasoning
- Analogical Reasoning
- Symbolic Representations
- Key studies for each domain
- Attention
- The Information processing Framework (IP)
- Lecture 3; Development of Intelligence
- Theories of Intelligence
- Measuring intelligence in infants and children
- Intelligent quotient (IQ)
- Issues with using this
- Bayley's scale of infant development (BSID)
- Mental scale
- Motor scale
- Fagan test of Infant Intelligence
- Visual paired discrimination task
- Stanford-Binet test (revised)
- Higher functions
- Mental age
- Weschler Intelligence scales
- Admissions to US primary schools
- Most widely used over 6yrs old
- Verbal compre-hension
- Perceptual reasoning
- Reliability and validity
- Continuity and IQ scores (reliability)
- Intelligent quotient (IQ)
- Develop-mental theory; genetic or environmental factors?
- Nature
- Genetic contributions
- Family studies
- Genotype-environment interactions
- Expression of phenotypes
- Passive, Evocative, Active interactions
- Expression of phenotypes
- Genetic contributions
- Nurture
- Systems
- Micro, Meso, Exo, Macro
- Systems
- Nature
- Theories of learning
- Behaviourist
- Classical, operant and observational learning
- Schedules of reinforcement
- Cognitive
- Statistical regularities
- Association
- Imitation
- Explanation-based learning
- Behaviourist
- What is intelligence?
- Tutorial; Infantile amnesia
- Lecture 4; Develop-mental disorders
- Disorders and double disassociation
- Social cognition; Williams syndrome & Autism
- Language; WS & SLI
- Space; WS & DS
- Dorsal stream deficit hypothesis
- Different cog phenotypes linked to specific genetic defects
- Cognitive genetics v.s neuroconstructivism
- Critique
- Disorders and double disassociation
- Lecture 1; Development of Conceptual Knowledge