Nazi Germany Edexcel
A mindmap about Hitler's rise to power, German schools and the treaty of versailles
- Created by: James
- Created on: 18-01-13 11:10
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- Nazi Germany
- Hitler's Rise To Power
- Reichstag Fire
- Communists blamed
- Van Der Lube
- Communists blamed
- Enabling Act
- Hitler given more power
- Band workers unions
- Removal of opposing political parties
- Democracy
- Hitler given more power
- Knight Of The Long Knives
- Hitler orders the death of all possible threats
- Reichstag Fire
- Treaty of Versailles
- Reperations
- £6,600
- Dawes Plan
- Youngs Plan
- War guilt
- Article 231
- Germany was to blame for causing the war
- Germany believed that they were fighting in self-defence
- Article 231
- Military Terms
- No military aircraft or submarines
- Navy reduced to six battleships and 15,000 sailors
- Army reduced to 100,000
- Rhineland demilitirised
- Reperations
- Schools
- Compulsary
- History
- Physical education
- Women fit to be mothers
- Men fit to be soldiers
- Race studies
- Taught that Germans were the better race
- Eugenics
- Selective breeding
- Textbooks re-written
- Boys
- Military fitness
- Compulsary
- Hitler's Rise To Power
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